Our Vision

Rural communities dwell in progressive growth and development through self reliance which can ensure the sustainability of economic, social and environmental resources.

Our Mission

To improve living conditions and alleviate poverty in rural communities through capacity building and, where appropriate, material support, in both formal and informal community structures with an emphasis on the most disadvantaged groups.

Our Value

The core values that guide us as individuals and as an organization are:

  • Participation: We work towards full participation by all members of the community, especially women and those from disadvantage groups.
  • Respect: Respect for others, for ourselves and for lawful regulations.
  • Ownership: Projects are owned by the community.
  • Accountability: Accountable to communities and donors.
  • Capacity building: Capacity building is a fundamental tool for community development.
  • Transparency and fairness: Transparency and fairness in all of our actions.

Our Strategies

Community Holistic Development (CHD)

Our key strategy is to expand the self-help group (SHG), Saving for Change (SfC) and village development committee (VDC)

Social Enterprise (SE)

Our key strategy is to establish a unit to explore discretionary income opportunities to support ongoing viability.

Climate Change (CC)

Cambodia is highly susceptible to Climate Change and poor rural people are the most vulnerable.

Welcome to PDAO Cambodia

PDAO is a lawful non-profit and non-government organization which neither plays politics nor serves any political interests, nor discriminates against any races, skin colors and/or religions. It is an independent organization, whose objectives are to bring about peace and social justice through rural development, which contributes to poverty alleviation in Cambodia. PDAO has began its operation and program implementation since July 2005 following the change of the strategy of HEKS Cambodia Programme in Phnom Penh. It was officially registered and endorsed in the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Cambodia in 07 August 2005. Since then, PDAO had continuous support from HEKS in terms of financial and technical supports until ending 2007. After 3 years as a respected and successful NGO, PDAO has now a solid foundation for its continued growth and development. It has an active Board of Director, a clear vision and mission, goals and value, which correspond to the needs of communities. PDAO has a history of success in supporting participatory development and community based organizations (CBOs) in both community and provincial level.

Latest Campaign

Safe Drinking Water and Crop Irrigation

Installation of, pump, water tower, and filtration system provides both safe drinking water and also water for crop irrigation  


We care about rural and remote communities! Do you wish to help?

Success Stories

Our Volunteer

PDAO actively recruits International Volunteers in specific skills area to assist with its projects and programs. It has hosted volunteers from Australia and Japan in the areas such as Project Management, IT, Financial Management and Social Enterprise/Agri-Business Development

Our Previous and Current Partners